
Registration deadline 30.03.2021

course administration

Fabienne Strüby

I've been an avid dog lover since I was a child.

At the beginning of 2018, I adopted my first dog from the animal shelter - knowing full well that he had a big problem with aggressive behavior towards other dogs. "I just need to find a good dog trainer" - I thought to myself at the time. Easier said than done - and so began our journey from trainer to trainer until we finally ended up with Mumi and fairtrain.

From the very first private lesson, we started to make progress. I was soon asked if I would like to train as a dog trainer.

So I started my internship in December 2019 and finally successfully completed my training as a dog trainer in December 2020.

Since then, I have enjoyed being able to pass on my specialist knowledge. To accompany, challenge and encourage the many dog-human teams step by step in training - be it in training courses, all-in-one, agility, HuKi, mantrailing or individual coaching.