Registration deadline 01.01.1970

course administration

Mumi Schenk-ILL

My many years of experience in the management of customer services in the international field as well as the completion of a management school are today the basis of my leadership qualities as owner and manager of the dog school fairtrain GmbH / fairtrain-for dog and human. Goal-oriented working as well as working under pressure is a must. 


I love the challenge of working with many different human-dog teams. My analytical and solution-oriented thinking as well as my great patience and love for dogs and humans supports me in behavioural consultations, individual coaching and group trainings.


I am currently completing a training course in dog gait analysis and in-depth training in behavioural counselling.


With our dog we are currently still working on the early stages of training, reducing excitement outside and developing the ability to stay alone.


IBH trainer